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A M B R A   G A R L A S C H E L L I
° Illustrator, caffeine addicted, night driver, words lover, hard thinker °
In love with ink
Hi, I’m Ambra Garlaschelli, italian illustrator and graphic designer based in Milan.

Lab assistant of printmaking techniques at IED (European Institute of Design)  Milano.

I work as freelance for magazines, brands and music labels.

I mainly work with ink textures, collage, printmaking and digital techniques.

I collaborate with many editorials realities as


Mondadori, Sergio Bonelli Editore, Sonzogno/ Marsilio editore,  Racconti Edizioni, Edizioni Corsare, Progetto Stigma, Cranio Creations,  Stripburger Magazine, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Eris Edizioni,,  T.I.N.A.L.S.,  Lök Zine, Sputnik festival/Sputnik press, Barta Edizioni and more.

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